Tuesday, 27 February 2018

Microbiology Semester 2 Week 1

        Assalamualaikum and hi everyone... how are you all? I hope everyone will be fine as well... long time no post anything in this blogspot.... This is the first week of microbiology class in semester 2.... semester 2 is more detail than the first semester because first semester is just a introduction about the microorganisms. Semester 1 is over ready still 7 semester more to complete my bacelor in science microbiology in honors. In semester 2, for microbiology I have two classes per week on tuesday and friday. This semester I have three lecturer's that going to teach me which are Dr Wan, Dr Asilah and Dr Suriana. First day, in microbiology class as usual Dr Wan was gave some briefing about the topics that we cover on this semester and also about the assignment "Pecha Kucha". She also was briefing about the percentage of the test, assignment and quizzes.

        On Friday, Dr Wan asked us to do flowchart about how to isolate fungi in groups. My group did on isolation of fungi from tropical soil. The purpose of isolate of fungi from tropical soil is to isolate secondary metabolites such as antibiotic, enzyme, protein and so on.

Fungi produced two types of metabolites

Primary metabolites
Fungi produced primary metabolites for their proper growth, reproduction and their proper development.

Secondary metabolites
While secondary metabolites fungi produce for their own defense, to grow in the same medium and to killed other microbes in the same medium.

Name of the culture medium used for fungi growth 

  • Brain heart infusion agar
  • Czapek yeast agar
  • Czapek yeast broth
  • Inhibitory mold agar
  • Mycosel/Mycobiotic agar
  •  Potato Dextrose agar
  • Sabouraud's heart infusion agar
  • Bannerot synthetic media agar
  • Potato flake agar
  • Water agar  

  • Prepare Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA)
  • Dig earth surface at 10-12 cm depth and collect soil.
  • Perform serial dilutions.
  • Inoculate sample using spread plate method on the PDA.
  • Incubate the agar plate in inverted positions at 28⁰C for 48 hours.
  • Subculture the single colony into new PDA to isolate pure culture.
Isolation of fungi in bread mold

Isolation of fungi from seawater

1.       Samples were collected from infected tissues to ascertain the association of different pathogens. The samples consisting of bark at collar region, twigs and soil were collected. Trees showing declining symptoms were selected and samples of roots, soil, bark at collar region, and leaves of healthy as well as diseased plants were collected.
2.       After that, blench all the disease’ parts by using mortar into a powder. The infected samples (in form of powder) are mix with distilled water.
3.       Infected samples are plated on PDA by using the serial dilution technique. The plate that need to be inoculated are in a several dilution factor by using spread plate (NOTE: try to inoculate the sample in higher diluting factor).
4.       Incubated all the plates in incubator at 27 °C for 3‒7 days and data was recorded. The fungi which colonized on these pieces was purified and identified on the basis of their morphological characters.
5.       Cut the small pieces of fungus by using scalpel, that differ by the morphology into a new plate. Place it on the middle plate and incubated the plate again in suitable temperature again (27 °C) for another week. For the type of fungus that bring the disease, Botryodiplodia theobromae, the mycelial growth of isolates was classified as fluffy or depressed, uniform to irregular and cottony white turning to black.
6.       After a week, observe the morphology of fungus and record in your Results                                                                      Image result for isolation of fungi                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Image result for isolation of fungi                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

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Microbiology Semester 2 Week 14

              Assalamualaikum and hi everyone... how are you all? I hope everyone will be fine as well... On Tuesday, before our class start...